Tuesday, November 24, 2009

warm car

Ok, I don't have a lot of time.  I'm sitting in my car in the parking garage at school (a) finishing an episode of Desperate Housewives online and (b) facebook stalking.  Both of these events are regular activities during finals when one is desperate to find things that seem to be more important than studying.  (I started blogging so I would snap out of it).

I've discovered a new thing this semester, I absolutely love sitting in my car.  In some ways, I always new this.  I loved staying in the warm car after a drive when I was little- sometimes my mom would let me stay and nap.  This semester I've discovered that I can escape from the world and find a little privacy in my car.  With the sun shining down on the metal, it stays warm.  I roll the windows down slightly and let in a little cool breeze and keep the radio on (except when Desperate Housewives is on, obviously).  It's like my own little cocoon and happy place.  I've got my music, my coffee, my reading...

Feeling content, I'm happy looking at pictures on facebook.  You know how that one-thing-leads-to-another thing goes... and pretty soon you're looking at your ex-coworkers mother's sister-in-law in Thailand.  Anyway. For some reason right now I'm thinking about how no matter how different or even dorky or whatever I think these people are, they all have people to comment on their photos.  "Neat!" "I like this one" "Where *were* you??!" They probably all think I'm chaotic/crazy but I have my own people.  You know? Anyway.  Most everyone has people.  Whether they know it or not and whether or not those people are constant over a series of years, we basically all have people right now.  I think that's something we should always be thankful for.

Alright, that's about all we've got time for today folks.  Gotta run grab coffee and get back to the books.  I've got a lunch date with my mentor, Joan, one of my very favorite right-nows that I hope will be a forever kind of person.

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