Monday, June 23, 2008

caribbean dreams

My computer is broken. It's extremely frustrating. I may have to get a new one when I get back.

I will write more about the Caribbean, but we had these perfect little bungaloos with mosquito nets covering the beds. There were journals in each room with entries written in French, Spanish, English, czech, German, and more. Falling asleep in the heat, with the light above my bed lighting the net above me, I wrote:

My face is warm, my eyelids heavy.
Twirling the thin glass stem between my fingers,
I watch the soft light illuminating the
edge of the pools of red.
Liquid gliding easily along the glass,
mocking me,
pretending like one escaping drop won't be permanent.

Staining images and burning dreams,
I'm working harder than I should.
Laughing too loudly, listening too intently,
I recall places that existed only in a moment
and people who spoke only for me to hear.
My hand appears steady,
but my cynicism knows me better.

Exhausted, I wake remembering it's you
I'm pretending to forget.
The shadow of your laugh used to echo for me
Speak to me.


Anonymous said...


I was starting to worry. So happy to see you are okay. So much going on here. I'm putting in 12 hrs days on the house.

Love you,

Stace said...

i'm glad you're ok and exploring. i can't wait to go visit!

Christina said...

I'm so happy that you're having an amazing time, but not surprised. I liked your last post about the philosophy behind the law. I wish I was in Costa Rica right now! Santa Cruz has been absolutely crazy lately with fire after fire and thunder and one hundred degree heat. Miss you!

Unknown said...

Yeah there has been some crazy weather lately. A huge fire in the Napa area caused so much smoke that it is making its way down here. MH has smelled like wild fire all week, and smoke has filled the air. And then the lighting storm we had last saturday caused 12 spot fires near cort oval. But no worries they got those out in 36 hours. I am sorry you are sick. I hope your family can help with getting you the meds and rest you need. Hows the school going? Are you getting home sick? Love you!

nita-pita and baby boy